Sunday, November 1, 2015

Healthy omega 3 fatty acid options

A lot has been said about omega-3 fatty acids. It is said to be good for our brains, hearts and bloodvessels. In a study where people increased their omega 3 intake they said they had more concentration, were more efficient and focussed at school or work.
If you don't get enough omega 3 you could actually suffer from very dry or itchy skin, having a hard time focussing and feeling very tired.

It is reccomended to eat fatty fish twice a week to get at least some omega-3 in your diet.
But is that really the best option? Is it the healthies option? Is it the most responsible option?
Well, the problem with animal products is that they are usually high in cholesterol. It is reccomended to not consume more than 300mg of cholesterol per day. In fact, we dont need to consume any cholesterol at all as we only need the cholesterol that our own body makes.

Lets compare one very popular piece of fish (salmon) rich in omega 3 and a lesser known plant-based source of omega 3 and see what the differences are

A table spoon of flax seed oil contains half the saturated fat, 0 cholesterol, a third of the calories but 4 times more omega 3 than 250 grams of Salmon. One TEAspoon of flax seed oil at 40 calories would already meet your daily needs of omega 3.
On top of that, the fishing industry is a very destructive industry. Year after year more fish is caught than scientists say is responsible. Tuna has been depleated for 96%. No matter how the fish is caught, there is always accidental bycatch like whales, sharks and other endangered species. So, if you fear you're not getting enough omega 3, just drizzle some flax seed oil on your salad or your baked potatoes (after baking though, as omega 3 might get destroyed by heat). It is better than fish for your health, the oceans and even your wallet, I bought a flax seed oil bottle of 500ml for €3 which, at one tablespoon use a day, is going to last me for a couple of months!

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